Life Script Discovery Session

This session aims to raise awareness of your life script


Transactional Analysis (TA) theory, by Eric Berne, suggests that we all have our own Life Script which is written for ourselves mostly before the age of seven. Our Script is formed by our experiences with which we subconsciously make decisions about ourselves, others, and the world. We might not be aware of the ‘story’ of our life, and we may unwittingly set up problems for ourselves. We are drawn to default to our unconscious script when current situations are particularly stressful, or when the present experience strongly resembles childhood experiences. The more stress we are under, the more likely we are to default to our script as it’s a (perceived) place of psychological safety for us.

For example, you may have decided, because your parents were workaholics, that you were not lovable, that others were more important than you and to survive in this world, you must please others so that people will always need you.

It’s important to say that these decisions are made as a child, with limited resources that generally rely on fantasy in place of information and problem-solving skills, they are also often made out of awareness. Also, life scripts were once a very wise survival strategy of your inner child. Yet, those past best choices made by you as a child, may become limiting and even damaging to you as a grown adult. It needs to be brought into your awareness, so you can update the aspects that are no longer serving you. The good news is, because it was you created the life script in the first place, you have the power to change it.

” Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. “


Who is it for

  • If you are seeking to better understanding yourself and what drives your thoughts, behaviors, and decisions.

  • If you feel disconnected from yourself and long to show up more confidently in the world.

  • If you feel shame, guilt, or inferiority that doesn't seem directly connected to your own experiences or doesn’t make sense given the context of your life.

  • If you feel trapped in unhelpful patterns that you cannot fully explain or break free from.

  • If you experience difficulty breaking away from family, cultural, or social "norms."

  • If you want to join therapy but don't know where to start.

  • Maybe you don’t know exactly what brings you here, but something is missing in your life, or not quite working.

If any of these resonate with you, this workshop is designed to support your journey toward connection, clarity, and more authentic choices.

How it works

60-Minute Session: In this dedicated 1:1 session with me, we’ll dive into tailored creative exercise designed to uncover unconscious life script. Together, we’ll explore your story and create meaning. We will practice finding strength to change.

Cost: £70

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Get in touch

Get in touch today to book an initial free consultation or discuss services in more detail.